I Am An American

I am an American. I am an American! When I go to Heaven, I will no longer be an American. I am a Kingdom Christian. That means my lifestyle is dictated by my core beliefs. I am not playing a game that I should have to apologize for in this day when God and Country are being ostracized, and historical markers are being attacked.

 I will not sacrifice my convictions on the altar of public opinion or for friendship. I have set my sites, like Abraham, who has seen a city whose builder and maker is God. I have made the decision that I will not become the laughing stock of hell by living a life less than what Christ died for. The cross is my anthem and my turning point. I love God more than what He has given me to do.

 I know that freedom is not free, and the freedoms we now enjoy, others before me have already paid for that freedom in blood. My redemption, like yours, was purchased in His atoning blood. I have counted the cost. I have taken up my cross, there is no turning back. I have no lack, because my Shepherd knows my need, and has a full supply of provision. I have every reason to rejoice always in all things for they are working for my good. It is my privilege to be a part of such a wonderful family, i.e., the family of God.

 In the beginning, the seed of faith in God was planted in the heart of men, and today this continues as we go forth to sow the Word of God.

 I am a shouter, not a doubter, a son, and not an orphan, a victor, not a victim, and I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. Yes, I am an American; but my mission is to build His Kingdom. I am first of all Christ’s Ambassador, and His colors I must unfurl. I must wear a spotless robe, clean and righteous, before the world.

 I am looking forward to celebrating the birthday of our nation with you next Sunday, July 5th. Join us for Red, White, and Blue Day. United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

 Your loving pastors,

Cleddie Keith



Cleddie & GayNell Keith