God's Wish

As I have spent time in the Word of God, I realized that God desires that He would put His Holy Spirit upon His people. Moses made this declaration in Numbers 11:17. Have you noticed in the scripture that God said He would make Himself known through visions, Numbers 12:5. There is a promise of a great Spirit outpouring. Individuals in the Old Testament, like King Saul, had a sure word of prophecy, as did Samson, that the Spirit of would come upon him, 1 Samuel 10:6. David was the first to say that the Lord had gifts for men, Psalms 68:18.

 I have felt of late that it is necessary for me to introduce you to the friend whom Jesus sent to be with us and to help us, which is just what He has been to me in my walk with God. There are times when he purges me, like that which is spoken of in Isaiah 4:4. The true concept of the Holy Spirit being with us is best described in the word Covenant. “He shall not depart from us”, Isaiah 32:15. When you follow the promise of God through the sacred pages, you will learn that He has promised to put His Spirit within us, and promised to pour His Spirit out on us. He also promised to pour out the Spirit of grace and supplication, Zechariah 12:10. Can we be satisfied with anything less than what God promised, i.e., the Holy Ghost and Fire, Matthew 3:11. I am sure that you realize by now and have heard it enough times, that the Spirit should flow out of us like living water, John 7:37-39. I have not lived without the Comforter with me from the night I gave my life to Christ in 1961. The promise of the Spirit is for all, Acts 2:38.

You don’t have to be in church to receive the Holy Spirit. You can receive right where you are. He gives the Holy Spirit to them who ask Him. Now is the time to ask, now is the time to invite and receive the promise God has given to those who obey Him. I believe in the Holy Spirit and I believe in you!

Your loving pastors,

Cleddie Keith

Cleddie and GayNell Keith