This past week we looked back to the day,
September 11, 2001, fatefully called “911”, with tears in our hearts and eyes.


imageA distress call shook our nation and the world. All we have to do is close our eyes, and in our mind’s eye we can see planes crashing into the Twin Towers in New York City. We see the first responders rushing into the smoke-filled buildings. There were brave men who diverted another plane that was headed for the White House as well as the plane that crashed into the Pentagon.
Eighty-one days prior to that terrible day, God spoke to me from the Book of Amos. I wrestled with my thoughts that morning like Jacob had wrestled with the angel. These are my notes from that Sunday morning.
(See illustration)

This was the week that was, but the spirit of terror still reigns in cities around the world. We need to be like Daniel who prayed consistently for God’s intervention and the prince of Persia’s hold was broken.

Your loving Pastors,

Cleddie and GayNell

Cleddie Keith