Storm Heaven

Looking back over church history, I have observed that the most effective ministries had these three characteristics in common.

They had a common Enemy.

They had a common Goal.

They had a common Unselfishness.

In the past month of January, we have seen each of these qualities in our church body. I cannot remember a time that we have had such a wonderful response to our prayer sessions. In the 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, many in our fellowship responded in a unique way to the corporate call to "Storm Heaven" every morning, noon and night. I think the angels in heaven may have said to one another, "A STORM IS COMING," when we joined together in the Prayer Room day after day.

It was enjoyable to watch Heritage once again rise to the occasion. It was as though, that each passing day we were made more aware of our common enemy. Not only were we able to recognize the perversion of the political, philosophical and pandemic protocol, we also were able to probe the words of the prophets in regards to our times.

Gary K and Sabrina have been an incredible blessing to the overall work the Lord. What the enemy meant for evil has worked for our good. We recognize that the quarantine, which has kept them from returning to their home in Israel, has worked for our benefit. Those who have been with us know how valuable they are among us. For the past 12 years, they have lived in the most crucial place in the earth in relationship to end time prophecy. The apart-ment they live in and the ministry they are part of overlooks the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. They are leaders in the 24/7 Prayer Ministry and Church Planting Mission with Rick Riddings. We quickly realized they had brought the anointing and spirit of Succat Hallel (Tent of Praise) with them, as our prayer ministry was infused with a new spirit of Global responsibility. There was a wonderful shift in the tone and individual participation of our gatherings during the 3 months of corporate intercession. The roar of intercession was like a pride of hungry lions at times; bringing us to the conclusion that it was impossible for us to remain indifferent to the growing pathos of the world we live in.

During these daily gatherings at noon and in the evening, I recognized a commonality of our seasons of daily prayer:
First, the prayers were more intense as they zeroed in and prayed against spiritual wickedness in high places. Our goal was to make war in the heavenlies and to tear down principalities.

Secondly, our goal was singularly to expand the Kingdom of God; as well as the raising up of prayer disciples, who can endure hardness like good soldiers. In our sessions of prayer, one constant was, An Appeal to Heaven for God to intervene in the affairs of America. It was as though prayer and missions locked hands for a common cause to see Jesus exalted, through out the earth, in the seven continents.

The third characteristic they had in common, as in all effective ministries, was an unselfishness noticed in the book of Acts.


As you look around you can see the incredible changes, which have been made and are being made in our sanctuary, these three characteristics are self-evident. It is because many in our church body have unselfishly given, and many have been involved in the construction projects that are continuing, even this week. Many have expressed their approval and their desire to help as we continue to improve the facility. I know you would like to know how you could help.

We are in the process of improving the sound system, which the cost is not completely covered.
We are looking a stage lighting system, which would enhance the quality of our social media productions.
In the next few days, we will be repainting the hallway in the entrance and putting a new application on the floor to compliment our sanctuary.

I chuckled as I am writing this. Our sanctuary reminded me of the T-Shirt logos you would often see back in the Jesus movement,


Thank you for your continuing faith and prayer and for all that you have done to support us as we have worked together to finish the remodel of the sanctuary.

It is a privilege to serve such a wonderful fellowship. We love you, We believe in you, We need you and We want you, in our lives and church family.

We are a two-mile church in a one-mile world.

Your Loving Pastor's

Cleddie and GayNell Keith