Sin Always Leaves A Scar

Greetings to all our Heritage Church Family and those with shared passion for souls and revival.

Our dear friend, who was a great influence on many lives here at Heritage, was Harvey Payne. He was an advocate for righteousness and the Baptism of Fire. He believed that this was an often overlooked necessity would be essential in the last days. I remember Brother Payne as we affectionately called him, teaching us: "SIN ALWAYS LEAVES A SCAR."

I have mentioned recently that God has a total abhorrence for sin. In the TRESPASS OFFERING, an unblemished lamb or goat had to be chosen and the one who offered it on some occasions had to plunge the knife into the throat of the victim. What do you think it represented? The significance of the Trespass Offering can make you tremble. What do you think those who offered the little lamb may have felt when he saw the dying lamb? He must have felt much like we do when we realize Christ as the Sacrificial Lamb died for us. Let's stop for a moment and reflect on the regret that men felt when they acknowledge what their sin does to themselves and others. I read a great statement in regard to sin: "YOU CAN ALWAYS JUDGE SIN BY THE SCARS IT LEAVES BEHIND."

Many in our generation are handicapped by the sins of their parents. It is becoming increasingly more evident that we live in a sin cursed world. A.W. Tozer said, "We ride a sick fallen planet, but God still cares." It was the dying Lamb of God that cried, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." I have to acknowledge it was my sin that slew God's Best. In a day when men think so lightly of sin, we should take another look at Calvary and listen to the anguished cry of the Crucified, the dying Lamb. When I look upon the cross the way I should, I will hate what sin did to Him. This is what the Trespass is all about.

Have you ever noticed how old wounds can incapacitate an individual? It is the same way with unaccounted for past sins, which may have been swept under the carpet of false hope. I have known individuals who have suffered, even in their business life, because of un-confessed sins. The Trespass Offering according to Leviticus 5 deals with acts of sin. Excuses of ignorance are not accepted or entertained, read (verse 4, 5,17,18); "When he knows it…"

The Message Bible reads:
4 "Or if you impulsively swear to do something, whether good or bad—some rash oath that just pops out—and you aren't aware of what you've done at the time, but later you come to realize it and you're guilty in any of these cases;
5-6 "When you are guilty, immediately confess the sin that you've committed and bring as your penalty to God for the sin you have committed a female lamb or goat from the flock.
17-18 "If anyone sins by breaking any of the commandments of God which must not be broken, but without being aware of it at the time, the moment he does realize his guilt he is held responsible. He is to bring to the priest a ram without any defect, assessed at the value of the Compensation-Offering.

Over the years that I have served the family of God, we have met many who thought they only needed to get a little spiritual lift; only to discover something was lacking in their lives that rendered them powerless. Something was missing in their lives and they were totally unaware of it. There were two types of sins that the Trespass Offering dealt with: sins against man and sins against God. Sins against God required a different solution than sins against their fellow man. The sin against God is as you find in the book of Malachi. Speaking to Israel He says, "Ye have robbed me". It is a strong case and God had all the books, the word is EMBEZZELEMENT. He made us for Himself, that He might have time with us. Another way of looking at this is we have we have robbed Him of ourselves.

I have good news, which is: "God has provided for Himself a ram." There is sin against God and sin against man, as I have said in the above paragraph. In the New Testament, Jesus gives us a lesson on how to deal with this. (Matthew 5:23, 24)

The Message Translation
"This is how I want you to conduct yourself in these matters. If you enter your place of worship and, about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God".

A father heard his little son praying by his bedside one night before he went to sleep.
"God when I grow up I want to be like my Daddy. Wise and strong."
While he slept his dad knelt beside his bed and prayed, "Oh God make me like my child, Pure, Guileless, and Trusting with a Sincere Faith." We can learn from the little child still and I still have a lot to learn.

I believe in you and I ask you to celebrate with us in regard to the work that has been and is being done in the Sanctuary as well as throughout the building.

Yours for Souls,

Pastor Cleddie Keith