Mothers Day 2021

All my life I've heard of the goodness, and love of God. I can truly say He's given me plenty of proof over the years. Tops to me is my mother. She's the strongest, and the sweetest lady I know. Always there when I need her. Placed in my life by the providence of God. Knowing what I would need He gave her to me. The true gift of God's grace to me. We have laughed together cried together and have faced every challenge together. She's a true Proverbs 31 woman. The word says I knew you before you were formed in the womb. Before a day in our life came to be. You see I was adopted. The Keith's are my God-given family. Planned before the foundations of the earth came to be.

We fit perfectly together. Like a puzzle with every piece and fits perfectly. Her love and guidance have made me who I am today. God always has our best interest at heart. One of my favorite definitions of providence is looking back over your life and realizing how He's ordered every step. My mother is God's gift to my life. What I love best about her is she's a mother to all. I have quite the extended family. To think where I could be if God's hand had not played its part.

Kyle Keith