The following was shared by our friend Ernest Anderson in one of his blogs and I thought you would appreciate it as I have. It is about:


A bold unbeliever was lecturing a group on the folly of religious faith in general and the Christian faith in particular. At the close of the presentation, the speaker invited people to propound any questions they might have. In the audience was the town drunkard, who had been converted to Christ. In response to the invitation, the converted alcoholic came up front, took out an orange, peeled it, and ate it without comment.
The speaker asked if he had a question for him. After downing the last segment of orange, the convert turned to the infidel and asked, "Was the orange I just ate sweet or sour?" Angrily, the speaker replied, "You idiot, how can I know whether it was sweet or sour when I never tasted it?" To this the converted drunkard retorted, "And how can you know anything about Christ if you have not tried Him?"

Coming this next weekend and through the month of July, we are offering a month-long invitation to come to Christ. We will be meeting under the tent with each meeting starting at 6 pm. We also have FM transmission for those who would like to stay in their cars.

I just want to thank you again for your continued support in prayer and finance. In a recent dream, I saw one of our former members who has gone on to be in her long home. She was serving tables in an event we were having, she was healthy and robust and with great agility, she navigated through the crowd from table to table with a smile on her face. I meditated on the dream and realized that through her generosity she was still serving the church because of her investment
In things eternal.

We love you and can't wait to see you under the tent!

Pastor Cleddie Keith