Unchecked Words

UNCHECKED WORDS that come too fast often bring with them TROUBLE.

I've only once spoken about anything related to COVID-19, I had to prayerfully consider my words during this past year. I watched as my team (including myself), had to made decisions on patients treatment options. I sat with a team of and we decided who got to receive their surgery that they had been waiting on, and decide who didn't get their surgery. We decided what patients could come into the office because they were critical enough to come or we could do a video visit. I felt disgusted, I felt why I am deciding these things about their life, I AM NOT GOD!

We worked LONG hours trying to pivot clinic and operating rooms schedules, staff schedules and school schedules. And here we are again, one year later long meetings, many discussions, and new year and more WORDS.

I look around and am so saddened by my fellow brother and sisters in Christ who try to top each other opinions on our world right now with WORDS. I know I am not alone. So I continue to pray through this process along with the many other stresses that my role brings. I could only do all of this because I have a praying Husband who texts me daily, "I am praying", and I have a praying father in law, your pastor, who will call to say "You're on my heart, I am praying". Be that person for the people you love.

Aren't you tired, aren't you saddened by the UNCHECKED WORDS?

Something to ponder:

  1. Listening should take a precedence over speaking.

  2. Words should be measured.

  3. Once they are spoken, you can't unspeak them.

Once words come out of my mouth, I can't gather all the letters and take them back. Just because we think it, doesn't mean we should always share it. Let's not do the devil's work for him by tearing each other to shreds with harsh assumptions and cruel comments. Keep in mind, the person who offended you is likely being pursued by God. He is working on them. Help them see evidence of His goodness of God in YOU. Honor Him by being gentle with them.

"Let you gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near, " Philippians 4:5

With Love, Angie