Warm Regards

This expression is usually the salutation or what you find at the end a letter. However, after the month of appreciation the church and friends have lavished on GayNell and I, I am sure that I could never find the words of our total appreciation in regard to your kind and considerate words. We love the privilege we have had sharing life with you.

The hour we live in has produced the most ungrateful people ever born. In the first part of the 2nd Book of Timothy Chapter 3, Paul speaks of difficult times concerning the end of times. It is as though he gives us a watch list wherein we are warned to stay clear of those who are, DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS, UNTHANKFUL, UNHOLY, ADDICTED TO HATEFUL AND MALICIOUS SLANDER. You do not have to look very far to find those who are not thankful for the sacrifice of former generations. Today the educational systems are even writing our history for which we all should be thankful out of the books. Did you notice that in Paul's admonition to young Timothy how Thankfulness and Holiness go together? David mentions his cup running over in the presence of his enemies surely that is the cup of thanksgiving. I remember a story about David Wilkerson when as a country boy from Pennsylvania, as he was walking down a dark street in New York City a gang started following him. He knew they were up to no good and did not know exactly what to do. All of a sudden, a shout of praise rose up in him and he begin to praise God in a loud voice. Immediately it struck terror in the gang's minds and they begin to flee in fear. This reminded me of what happened on the other side of the Red Sea. Miriam led the Children of Israel in a song of Victory, it was, "I will sing unto the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously the horse and rider He has thrown into the sea." There are corporate seasons of victory in our lives, such as this, where we can reap the benefits of corporate obedience.

I believe in you,
Pastor Cleddie Keith

Let me remind you the preparation for the Million Dollar Clothing Give Away is November 20th, the week before Thanksgiving, we are packing the tote bags now and we still need help if you would like to be a part of giving back to the community. Sometimes you will hear people say about the needs of our present day, "Somebody has to do something." This is one way you can answer that plea. Call the office if you would like to be hooked up to become a part of this outstanding project.