If you are like me, the first thoughts of the morning seem to follow me through the day. Thanksgiving is this week and as a nation we people will be mobilized in the next six weeks like no other time of the year. Millions will leave their homes to visit family and friends and some will take a long-needed break from the pressing events of the last two years. Hotels will be over run, restaurants will be full and waiting lines will get longer. Black Friday has already been expanded and online shopping is at an all-time high. Billions of dollars will be spent and as always everything will seem to change for a few days but everything will still be the same. My early morning musing today was:


Through the years, I have been like a complaint box setting in the back of department store. Some people would not have a great deal of personality if they did not have a complaint. Have you ever met a two-legged complaint? They come in all sizes. In our parlor we have a candy jar and many of the children make a B-line after church to get there first. They will have to hurry to beat Henry he wakes up on Sunday morning with the candy bowl on his mind. He even invited a total stranger to church, he told her she would really like it because she could get candy in the parlor after the church service. For Henry, the candy bowl is like, fish sandwiches and Jesus Sermon on the Mount but I am not sure that even the Lord could get a basket of loaves and fishes from little Henry. It is funny how even the kids can let me know what they are unhappy about and what kind of candy they like and don’t like. Not too long ago one young lady with a hand on her hip attitude told me she had not been pleased with the candy selection. So, I am sure that you know what I did, I made it a matter of urgency to take care of the problem the very next Sunday. It would be nice if all problems were so easily taken care of.

Cowper, the poet wrote a brilliant line about thanksgiving;

All are indebted much to Thee,
But I far more than all,
From many a deadly snare set free,
And raised from many a fall,
Overwhelm me from above,
Daily with, Thy boundless love

Our lives should be like an electric billboard that is constantly, projecting a message of thanksgiving for the blessings of the Lord. We are signage to the people. Have you ever seen men putting up candidate signs at election time? Some even still may be found months later after the candidate lost by a considerable number of votes. Our sign never has to come down because ultimately as sons and daughters of God, we win in life. In this Holy Holiday Season let's do what we can to remember what it means to be Thankful, for all He has done for us.

I believe in you,

Your Loving Pastor's,

Cleddie and GayNell