Merry Christmas 2021


Have you ever thought of Christmas as a rescue mission? The bible has several stories of to what length God will go to set individuals and nations free. It is easy to believe that the birth of Jesus was and is the greatest rescue mission ever to take place on the planet earth. The announcement of His arrival makes it eminently clear that this was exactly what was taking place. Desperate measures had to be taken and this is exactly what was in motion. In a time before time in the war room of heaven an operation of major proportions had been meticulously set in motion. On the drawing board of Providence, the flash point of this grand plan was chosen it would take place in a small town a few miles away from Jerusalem.

Before time ever began Jesus already existed, "In the beginning" is found in Genesis 1, "God created the heavens and the earth," this is also found in John 1, it is no accident that in Hebrew and Greek this is identical. He was not only before time He was before matter, as well. He did not come he just was. Have you ever read Jude verse 25?

"To the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory majesty, dominion and authority, BEFORE ALL TIME AND NOW AND FOREVER. AMEN." Did you know that BEFORE THE TIMES OF THE AGES, GOD GAVE US GRACE IN CHRIST JESUS? 2nd Timothy 1:9

It is overwhelming when you realize that God knew that we would need a Savior and before time He ordained His rescue plan. It was foreordained before the world began:

1Peter 1:18-20

18 For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 20 HE WAS CHOSEN BEFORE THE CREATION OF THE WORLD, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

We realize how costly this rescue mission was and how Biblically detailed every step in the operation that started before time had to be in order to fit into the greatest rescue mission in the history of creation. It was because of this we celebrate the fact that we were the reason, that long ago in a time before time, the Rescue Mission began. The story of the mission is always fresh, just as, Christmas is always young. Christ was born in Bethlehem, renowned as the city of warriors. Even David is super imposed in the story, "For unto you this day in the city of David, a Savior is born." The Rescuer, the one who not only came to save but also died, as a sacrifice, for the sins of all mankind.

We can have a Merry Christmas because we know Him whom to know is life eternal. We know the reason for the season and we know the Christ of Christmas for He lives in our hearts.

Over the years, I have heard a lifetime of human-interest stories at Christmas but I heard a couple more this week that made me realize just how much more involved we need to be in the Rescue Mission. Our friend Ken Hall was sending a truckload of toys to a first nations school in North Dakota, we have partnered with Ken and Cara for the last few years, Ken writes,

"A friend was at the meeting where the budget for the Child Protective Services, was being discussed. They have 319 children in their program and had no money for, school supplies or Christmas gifts."

The Hall's friend told them in the meeting that toys were on the way and the Director of CPS had tears fill her eyes because someone cared. One young boy wrote in his letter to Santa, that he wished for a mattress where he would not have to sleep on the floor. You never know what God will have you do next as you follow Him. What He asked us to do, never ends with what he ask us to do.

Thank you for the generous offering that was given last Sunday in our 2021 Christmas Service. It was 15,ooo dollars for the first responders in storm devastated Western Kentucky. Then another 10,000 in matching gifts came in for relief agencies. The winning bidders on Mark Theskins art works presented in the silent auction for the relief efforts can pick up their paintings any time this week.

Another Year has rolled on by and a new year is being born, so once again from our house to your house.

Merry Christmas from GayNell and I.