The Promise of the Father

Summer Greetings to each of you, who we are very thankful that you have chosen to be a part of our lives,

I want to take the time in this weekly letter to continue our emphasis on God the Holy Spirit. In both the old and new testaments, God’s wish is our Spirit infilling. It actually begins in the book of Numbers 11:29, where we see that Moses wished that God would put His Spirit upon all the people. It is interesting to me the pneuma-phobia ( the fear of the Holy Spirit), when the Bible is full of references to God’s desire to pour out His Spirit upon Israel and His chosen
people, Proverbs 1:22,23. In Isaiah 30: God was grieved because His people would not be covered with His Spirit.

I think an important verse in regard to this subject is found in Zechariah 4:6, God’s source of power is the outpoured Spirit. The book of Acts of the Apostles, it would have not been a creditable book without the Spirits outpouring on the Day of Pentecost. Jesus told the disciples to wait for the Promise of the Father with the assurance that all who obeyed would receive, Acts 5:32. In Luke 24:49 the last promise Jesus gave with instruction was the Spirit would be sent to them. Have you ever considered what Jesus meant when He told the woman at the well, true worshippers will worship Him in Spirit, John 4:23. I especially love and believe what we find in John 14: 16,17; Christ prayed that the Father would send the Spirit.

It is easy when you begin to follow the chain- linked scriptures into an understanding of what God’s ultimate intention is when it comes to the of the Father. Time and again we can see the profound emphasis of the Father, Jesus went so far as to say the Comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart I will send Him unto you, John 17:7. You can see for yourself how rich this subject is with the Word of God.

A very telling question is found in Acts 19:1-6, “Have you received the Holy Ghost?” Paul had a strong desire that the believers in Rome was that they would receive the Holy Ghost, Romans 8:1-16. In 1st Corinthians 12: 1-13, he prayed that believers would have knowledge of God’s gifts of the Spirit. Have you ever prayed that you would have communion with the Holy Spirit, Paul did 2 Corinthians 13:14?

My constant prayer for you is that you would have communion with the Holy Spirit. Did you know that you were redeemed that you might receive the promise of the Father through faith, Galatians 5:23? Not only did Paul speak of the promise of the Father but he admonished the Galatian church to walk in the Spirit, Galatians 5:16 and also to live in the Spirit, Galatians 5:23. It leaves little doubt how important it is to Godhead for individuals to be filled with the Holy Spirit. In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians it was through the preaching of Christ to the believers of Ephesus that they would be built into a habitation of the Spirit, you can find this in Ephesians 2:22. Finally both Paul and Peter write that we are chosen and elect of God through the sanctification of the Spirit.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 and 1 Peter 1:2. It is important for all of us to follow on to know the Lord and I think it is equally important to realize that life in the Spirit is available to each of us and that God is no respecter of persons. My personal testimony is that early on in my walk with God I came to know the Holy Spirit a person and not just an influence in my life.

Help us get the message out in regard to the special meetings. If you love our nation and I know you do. If you are concerned about our nation and I know you are.

Coming Events:
Labor Day Celebration- September 4th
School Starts- September 6th
NATHAN MORRIS- September 16th 17th 18th
LANCE WALNAU- September 23rd 24th


Let’s stand together for change.
Your loving pastor,
Cleddie Keith