Post Thanksgiving

“Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be UNTO HIM that sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.” Revelations 5:13

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful, UNTO HIM and bless his name.” Psalms l00:5

My heart is overflowing with praise this morning as I write this weekly letter to my church family and friends. I pray that it will be an encouragement to you to give praise unto Him for all he has done for you as well. Several years ago I ran across something that I have kept in my office and today, I want to share it with you as you read this letter. It is alphabet of personal prayers and it applies to all of us.

  • Abide with us, the Prayer of Companionship, Luke 24:10
  • Bless me, “Bless me also, O my Father”. Individual Prayer, Genesis 27:34
  • Come unto me, “Let your tender mercies come unto me, that I may live.” Psalms 119:77
  • Deliver me, The Prayer of Victory, Psalms 31:15
  • Examine me, A Prayer of Testing, Psalms 26:2
  • Forgiveness, A Prayer of Forgiveness, Psalms 25:18
  • Guide me, The Prayer for leading, “For Thy name sake guide me”, Psalms 31:3
  • Help me, The Prayer for Aid, Matthew 15:25
  • Integrity, A Prayer for Uprightness, “Preserve me” Psalms 25:21
  • Judge me, Prayer for Discretion, Psalms 54:1
  • Keep me, Prayer for Preservation, Psalms 17:8
  • Lead me, Prayer for Direction, Psalms 139: 24
  • Make me, Prayer for Adjustment, Psalms 119: 35
  • Never be Ashamed, A Prayer for Constancy, Psalms 71:1
  • Open my Eyes, The Prayer for Illumination/Revelation, Psalms 119:18
  • Preserve me, A Prayer for Keeping, Psalms 16:1
  • Quicken me, A Prayer Revival, Psalms 119:25
  • Redeem me, Prayer for Release, Psalms 26:11
  • Save me, Prayer for Rescue, Matthew 14:30
  • Teach me, Prayer for Instruction, Psalms 27:11
  • Unite My Heart, The Prayer of Communion, Psalms 74: 11
  • Visit me, A Prayer for Visitation. Psalms 106:4
  • Watch, A Prayer for Prevention, “Set a Watch, O Lord before my lips”, Psalms 141:3
  • Xtremity, Remember me, Psalms 23:42

These prayers remind me of why I am so thankful for His watch care over our lives. They are sometimes just faint utterances; at other times heartfelt petitions and person- al pleas. In other instances they are just humble mutterings but prayers none the less; as well as faith filled earnest appeals to heaven.

On another note, I thank you for your faithfulness to our faithful God. You are on my heart and in my prayers.