The Fire Of Revival

Greetings to all those who make our life better every day, as we follow on to know the Lord,

By now I am sure that you have heard of the amazing things God has been doing on some of the Christian College Campuses in our region. To give you a recap on February 8th a young lady a sophomore at Asbury College in Wilmore, Kentucky publicly repented of her attempt to commit to suicide. She told the students in the chapel service how she had gone to high bridge a Kentucky landmark, to jump to her death. As she was contemplating her final moments, she called her mother to tell her goodbye. As you can imagine her Mother raced to the scene and was able to talk her out of what she had planned to do. She then ended her confession with, “I need God.”

What followed was a spontaneous response from the students in the chapel service began to gather around her and pray with her. Momentarily, other students followed by repenting of sin in their lives and consequently the chapel service has continued with people staying and praying through the night and it still continues around the clock. People by van loaded with people are going to observe what is taking place. In Lexington just a few miles away Saturday morning 45 pastors gathered in the MAN of WAR Church of God, to cry out to God for revival. Our friend Rick Curry former Nazarene minister, who God raised up several years ago to go to all 120 counties in Kentucky with a message that God was going to start a revival in Kentucky that would sweep across the nation is giving us daily updates on what is happening in the region and across the state can be found on his web site if you would like to hear what is going on at ground level.

I am personally a product of revival, looking back my family was swept into the Kingdom of God because of God’s intervention in my uncle’s brother’s life being spared after having his arm and shoulder pulled off in a rock crusher on the construction of a Texas hi-way. God spared Jim Anderson’s life and he went on to become a missionary to India and ultimately the director of missions in the Pacific Rim for the Assemblies of God. His brother and sister became missionaries to India as well. My uncles became pastors, and our entire family was eventually saved. I have always said that “Healing is the dinner bell to salvation”. I recently read that 80to 90 % of all the believers outside North America attribute their salvation to divine healing. This week I came to the conclusion that my sweet tooth is the moving of the Holy Spirit in revival. Have you ever had a song stick in your mind and play over and over again like in is a record stuck in one grove? Today as I write this to you, I can hear:

“Praise God, God’s Holy Spirits in this land,
Reach out and touch Him if you can,
From the high, high mountain
To the deep, deep ocean.
God Holy Spirit’s in this land.”

Is there a place in your heart to welcome the Holy Spirit? As you read this letter, I am praying for you and your family to experience what my family did in the 1940 and eighty years later they still walk with Him. I have firsthand experience that when God moves, He moves, generationally, just as he did in the Bible. Is this your desire for your family and friends? My prayer goes like the words of an old song Lester Roloff used to sing on his evening radio broad cast, “God give a passion burning within of sinners dying lost in their sins, we’ve a commission Jesus to preach, I’ll do my part Lord others to reach.”

I want you to know how much the church staff and I appreciate all of those who helped behind the scenes to make the last two weekends in our Kingdom Business 23 and the Winter Bible Camp Meeting, so special. I personally believe the fruit of these meetings will bare fruit for years to come. It goes without saying that our intercessors have impacted every song, every sermon, every testimony in each and every meeting that brought about a crescendo of the presence of
God that still rest on us today. With this let me remind you that your love and support of a place where the Spirit of God is Welcome means everything to us.

Expand our Hearts in 2023,
Pastor Cleddie Keith