Prayer Points

Specific Prayer Points:

Job 22:28

You will also decree a thing,
And it will be established for you;
So light will shine on your ways.

James 5:16

...the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.


  • For the old wells of Revival to be opened up again.

  • For the fire of Revival to intensify, and spread throughout Kentucky, the United States, and the World.

  • That Kentucky would preserve our Nation in surprising ways.

  • That great evangelists and great deliverance ministries would go out from our state.

  •  That God would set Kentucky ablaze with His Glory.

  • That nations of the earth would shake hands with what happens here.


  • For God’s Justice and Righteousness to come forth on a national, state, and local level in our country - Amos 5:14

  • For our Children, Isaiah 49:25

  • But thus says the LORD:
    Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible be delivered; for I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save.

  • Pray Isaiah 28:14-19

  • That unrighteousness leaders would be taken out of position and be replaced with those who love and fear God, those who love our nation and are faithful to our God-given Constitution. (Isaiah 22:15-23)


  • Against World War 3.

  • That the Global agenda of depopulation would be exposed and defeated.

  • For the 110 Million Intercessors this year praying for the 110 most Unreached cities stretching for the Far East to the Middle East and Northern Africa.

  • For a Tidal Wave/Tsunami of God’s Glory to topple ancient thrones and evil rulers; over Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and over the Jewish world that have been oppressing peoples for millennia.

  • For spiritual awakening of the nations worldwide.

  • Pray for our national and international ministers; for direction, empowering and provision (see page 3).


  • WHEREAS: We, the Church,

  • Are God’s governing Body on the earth.

  • We have been given legal power, authority, and Dominion from heaven.

  • We are God’s ambassadors and spokespeople over the earth through the power of God.

  • We are His world influencers because of our covenant with God.

  • We are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy.


  1. We Appeal to heaven for a complete containment of global satanic actors and all their operations.

  2. We Decree and declare that they will not shut down travel, commerce, freedom, or access.

  3. We declare that their lies will not succeed, but rather will boomerang back onto them.

  4. We decree that the hand of the destroyer is stayed and immobilized by Jehovah, so that a nuclear disaster will not happen in Ukraine or anywhere else.

  5. We decree that the Enemy is denied the ability to start WW3.

  6. We declare that there will be no new health emergency asserted. We forbid it!

  7. We decree against ALL false flag attacks:

    • No terror attacks anywhere.

    • No airplanes shot down.

    • No assassinations of popular leadership persons.

    • We thwart all uprisings and riots.

    • No more incidents of deadly gunfire attacks that could be used for the purpose of
      disarming our citizens and violating our 2nd Amendment.

    • There will be no foreign takeover of our nation!

  8. We decree against ALL manipulations to bring about panic and fear.

  9. We decree against ALL violence and civil war. We release a Spirit of Reconciliation in our land.

  10. We bind all criminal deception, lies, evil schemes and all corruption in our recent 2020 and 2022 elections.

  11. We loose justice, righteousness, and truth and decree that these are now being poured out from heaven on the United States and the Nations!!

  12. We proclaim Amos 5:24; Let Justice roll on like a River and Righteousness like a never ending

  13. We declare and Decree that America will stand with Israel and be a Sheep Nation in the Last

  14. And We declare and decree America shall be saved!

Yours in Christ,

Gary Klein