No Perplexity

Hope this post finds you having a great day, knowing that nothing can separate you from the love of God.

We need to keep our mind stayed on the victory, which is ours in Christ. Ours is not a false security. During this past week’s Global Awakening Conference, Gary Klein shared a marvelous revelation from the scripture. He said, “Jesus was asleep in the storm-tossed ship and the disciples had to wake Him up. They cried out to Him, ‘Master, Master don’t you care if we perish?’” Gary said, the Lord wanted them to rebuke the storm with the same measure of faith they had seen when the bread that fed a multitude, multiplied in their hands. His point was powerful and well taken. He said, “You cannot have authority over the storm if you cannot sleep in the storm.” When we do our best to worry the circumstance away, we obliterate His promise. The Lord has no perplexity. We should understand as we abide in Him, our perplexities are obliterated by faith in His promise. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Do you know what this means? It means He will never leave us nor forsake us. Take a pen and write down those things that perplex you. Lay it out before him, then take John 14 and read it out loud, “Let not your heart be troubled.” I learned this lesson from my mother. When she faced difficulties or circumstances that produce perplexity in her mind, she would simply go to sleep. The family recognized this. Her idea was; if the Lord was going to stay awake there was no need in her staying up and worry about those issues.