The World Is Waiting

The World is Waiting for the manifestation of the Sons and Daughters of God,

Join with us and the millions to pray for the people of Israel. This is a monumental challenge to bring 100 million believers together to pray for the major cities of the planet where the majority of the unreached people live and exist. The following flyer is all the information you need to join in this World Changing Season:

The Isaiah 62 Global 21-Days of Prayer and Fasting for Israel (May 7-28, 2023)

Join several million believers who will engage in prayer for Israel for at least 1 hour a day for 21 days (May 7-28) for the increase of God’s salvation promises and plans for Jerusalem and Israel. Some will pray alone, and others will pray with two or more (Mt. 18:20)—virtually or in-person—in their home, office, dorm, or at their church, etc. 

A collaboration of several thousand ministries—including Lou Engle, Jason Hubbard, Mike Bickle—have already mobilized well over 1 million believers to participate in a global solemn assembly (May 7-28) to fast in various ways, and to pray for God’s purposes for Israel. We pray that He raise up 100 million intercessors for Israel. God promised to appoint those who will not be silent until Jesus returns— i.e., those born in the generation He returns!

6On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; all day and all night they will never keep silent. You [intercessors] who remind the LORD [of His promises], take no rest for yourselves; 7And give Him no rest until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth [which occurs at Jesus’ return]. (Isa. 62:6-7, NAS) 

In the first 3 weeks of announcing this fast on March 7, over 1 million are set to participate in various ways. By May 7, far more than 1 million will engage in this 21-day fast in various ways (some will fast on water, some on vegetables, or juices, or one meal a day, or just “fasting media”) in praying for the release of His glory (Ex. 33:18). 

Put your ministry resources on this new to reach new people during this fast. This website will be seen by millions. It is not an IHOP website, but it is under a collaboration of many ministries. The website identifies churches, ministries, Bible studies, youth groups, etc. that desire to be a “HUB” that will provide its ministry resources for others who will find them on, If you want your church or ministry info listed on, then click on the link for more information. 

The IHOPKC prayer room is committed to worship and pray non-stop 24/7 for 3 weeks (May 7-28) for Israel. Over 300 on the IHOPKC full-time ministry staff have personally committed to be in our prayer room for 6-12 hours a day for all 21 days. I am grateful for their response to lay aside many of their normal responsibilities to do this! The IHOPKC prayer room is only one of many HUBs engaging in this. For more info on how your church or ministry can be a HUB see or the Isaiah 62 Fast Facebook page ( does not address any eschatological positions but calls believers from all positions to participate.

Why 100 million?

Over many years, the Lord has given various people the number 100 million intercessors for Israel in various ways. Eric Watt, Jason Hubbard (IPC), and team have visited IHOPKC several times over recent years. They represent and communicate regularly with leaders that oversee 5,000+ prayer networks that collectively include 130 million believers (at first, I found those numbers hard to believe). In their recent visit (Dec. 2022), they shared that the leaders of these 5,000+ prayer networks and the 130 million intercessors connected to them will stand together to pray for the same area of the earth 4 times in 2023 in a global mission initiative called I am overwhelmed as I consider that this is the first time in history that over 100 million believers will pray for the same geographical area together on the same day 4 times in one year (see Jn. 17:21-23). 

These 100 million prayed for China on January 22, 2023, and for the Middle East on April 17. They will pray for Israel on May 28, and for India on October 31. These 100 million believers are deeply committed to Jesus and to the Great Commission, but many of them are not yet connected to the Lord’s biblical purpose for Israel. But for one day (May 28) these 100 million will pray for Israel as they did for China on January 22. 

But for 21 days leading up to May 28, 1 million+ intercessors will fast and pray, asking the “Holy Spirit to ambush” them by marking the hearts of these 100 million for His purposes for Israel. 


Israel’s national repentance (Act 3:19) and confession that Jesus is Messiah (Mt. 23:39) is deeply connected to Jesus’ second coming, the Great Commission, and “life from the dead” for the whole earth (Rom. 11:15). Jesus will not return until the leaders in Jerusalem acknowledge Him as Messiah according to Psalm 118:26. 

37“O Jerusalem… 39you shall see Me no more [a reference to Jesus’ return] till you say, ‘Blessed is He [Jesus] who comes in the name of the LORD [thus, acknowledging Him as Messiah—Psalm 118:26].’” (Mt. 23:37-39) 

19Repent therefore and be converted, that your [Israel’s] sins may be blotted out, so that...
20He may send Jesus Christ... 21whom heaven must receive [keep or retain at the Father's right hand]
until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by...all His holy prophets. (Acts 3:19-21) 

Paul taught that God would use Gentile believers to provoke the nation of Israel to embrace Jesus in the end times. 

11…to provoke them [Israel] to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles... 13I magnify my ministry, 14if by any means I may provoke [Israel] to jealousy… 15If their [Israel’s] being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead [blessing for the whole earth]? (Rom. 11:11-15) 

We believe that this 21-day global Isaiah 62 Fast will be catalytic in sparking an acceleration of a biblical conversation about Israel in the body of Christ across the nations in this hour. This fast will end on Pentecost Sunday, May 28. On this day, 100 million believers will be praying for Israel together in response to God's call through Jason Hubbard, Eric Watt, and the “110 Cities” team to mobilize them this way 4 times in 2023. (See

On April 17, these same 100 million believers will pray for the entire Middle East. 

This will be the first time in history that several million will pray at least one hour a day for 21 days for God’s promises for Israel. The uniqueness of this prayer initiative is itself a sign of the times and an acceleration of God's “set time for a generation yet to be created” to engage together in His purposes for Israel (Ps. 102:13, 18). 

13You will...have mercy on Zion [Jerusalem]; the time to favor her, yes, the set time, has come... 18This will be written for the generation to come, that a people yet to be created may praise the LORD. (Ps. 102:13-18) 

This 21-day fast is a “global Esther moment” (Esth. 4:14-16) that will be a significant down payment for the final ultimate global Esther moment when millions of believers will engage in prayer, speak out boldly for God’s purposes for Israel (as seen in Scripture), and stand with Israel as anti-Semitism increases until Jesus returns (Zech. 14:1-5). This fast is also important for today as Israel faces several very significant conflicts. 

14“For if you remain silent [unresponsive] at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place...who knows if you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
15Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: 16“Go, gather all the Jews...and fast for me...” (Esth. 4:14-16) 

We are so grateful for Tom and Kate Hess who have led the Jerusalem House of Prayer for 36 years [] and for Rick and Patricia Ridings who have led Succat Hallel in Jerusalem for nearly 20 years [succathallel.comas well as other prayer ministries that have been established over the last 20+ years to regularly pray for Israel. 

In this fast we exalt the supremacy of Jesus and focus on the connection of God’s blessing on Jerusalem to fulfilling the Great Commission. We can do so much more together in the “spirit of John 17:21-23” unity. 

Download a free digital book the Moravian Miracle by Jason Hubbard that tells the remarkable story of Count Zinzendorf who combined 24/7 prayer (that continued for 100 years) with the first Protestant missions’ movement in history. Find this PDF book at or watch his story on YouTube.

Your investment in time and prayer makes all the difference on earth as we bombard heaven. Thank you for the sacred trust you show to us. We are here for you.

Providentially yours,

Pastor Cleddie Keith