Happy Mother's Day

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, to all the great women of our lives who teach us how to love and embrace the future by faith. 

I must admit that I have been somewhat uneasy when families through the years have brought forward infants and children to me for dedication to the Lord. I am sure that people who know me have at times sensed that uneasiness in me. They know that on those occasions I have made it a point to charge the mother and father with the great responsibility of living in such a way, it would be easier for the child to live a life that pleases God by their example. Today, I want to take every mother back to a sweet memory, where she brought her children to be dedicated to the Lord. It is for me one of the greatest privileges of ministry, to dedicate a child to the Lord.

What does it really mean to dedicate a child?

Dedication is a contract made between individuals. I love the story of the barren woman whom God gave a special child. You can find the story in first Samuel chapter one. Listen for yourself to the contract she made with God. I would encourage every Mom to read this account as it appears in the scripture, chapter 1:27 amplified translation:

 “For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my request which I asked of Him. Therefore I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord.” And they worshiped the Lord there.”

The King James uses the expression, this child shall be “LENT” unto the Lord. Herein is the meaning behind this:

Do you recall the dedication of Jesus? His parents came and offered the sacrifices for the firstborn child, and they presented Him unto the Lord. The priests lifted Him up in his hands and blessed Him, and said, "Now Lord let thy servant die in peace for You've allowed me to see Your salvation." But again, the idea of, "Here's my child Lord. I present it to You that You might use this life for whatever purposes, that Your influences might come upon this child and lead and guide him as he grows and develops. And Lord, I give him back to You all the days of his life." I remember the dedication of Krista and Kyle because I am always taken back by the innocence of the children we dedicate to God. “Lo, children are the heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward.” Psalms 127:3

What a memorable joy to have been a part of all my grandchildren’s dedications. However, I think Mothers have the special place in their children’s lives, which developed as the child formed and grew within the womb. What a wonderful thought. God was at work within the mother, developing their child. What an incredible thought!

The Holy Spirit has recorded for us Samuel’s mother’s, involvement in his life. Follow with me the sequence of these events: “I have lent him to the Lord: as long as he lives, he shall be lent to the Lord.” She sealed the deal, and it was for life. How many of you know that your mother made this kind of contract with God? Mine did. What do you think of Hanna? She took time to make Samuel a little coat annually, year after year, as he grew up. She never allowed him to forget he had a mother that cared about him. That is what a mother does best. When all the world forgets who we are, a mother’s love is all ways there to remind us that somebody loves us. Hanna covered her boy with more than a coat -- she covered him with unending love.

Mom’s you are special to all of us today and we thank you for loving us, despite ourselves.


Pastor Cleddie