Holy Spirit

Hope our weekly letter finds you on the incline of faith, hope and love,


For several weeks my pastoral heart has once again sensed the need to do what I can to make you more aware of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. I have found for me to know the God of the Word; I must search for Him in the Word of God. I hope you take the time to digest these verses where you can be fortified and undergirded in the truth.

In John 14:16, 26 His coming is promised and in Acts 2:1-4 His promised coming is fulfilled.

What does the Bible say is the reason for the Holy Spirit coming? In Acts 15:8-9 the Spirit of God comes to purify and to infill believers according to John 14:17. Those who realize the value of a devotional lifestyle will find that the Holy Spirit makes Christ’s continuing presence real to us (John 16:13-15). His coming brings us into a new boldness. Without the Holy Spirit the church can easily become devout without becoming daring. The church in the Book of Acts was anything less than daring (Acts 1:8; 2:4; 4:33). The Holy Spirit empowered the church for testimony and preaching.

One of my greatest concerns is when so-called Christians appear to have little or no conviction of sin, especially when John 16:8 teaches us that not only does the Spirit of God convict, but the Spirit of God convinces of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

In the last few days, we have seen rainbow flags flying throughout the nation in an attempt to call us to a co-existence. Long ago, the Rainbow spread across the heavens and God put it there as a sign that the earth would never again be judged by a flood. As I thought on this, suddenly I said out loud to myself, “Our God is a consuming fire.” Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a baptism of fire coming and all the wood, hay, and stubble will be swept away.

Christ was glorified by the Holy Spirit and is still being glorified by Him. Isn’t it wonderful that according to Acts 15:7-11 those who continue to believe on Jesus are still being saved? There is a subsequent experience after we have been born again and according to Acts 5:32, the obedient are still candidates to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. There is no limit to what God can do when we refuse to limit Him. So often we find ourselves waiting for different reasons. Learn from scripture, that because the early church obeyed the Lord, they waited, and God did not disappoint.

After the day of Pentecost, several different people received the Holy Spirit. For instance, Stephen spoke by the Spirit of God (Acts 6:10)In Acts 11:24 Barnabas was full of the Holy Ghost. It is evident by the scripture (Acts 10:24) the Holy Ghost fell on the house of Cornelius. Paul informs us in 1Thessalonians 4:8b, “…God, who hath also given unto us his Holy Spirit.”

As I write this letter, a song is playing in my soul,

Spirit of the Living God
Fall fresh on me
Spirit of the Living God
Fall fresh on me
Melt me, mold me
Fill me, use me
Spirit of the Living God
Fall fresh on me

Living under an open heaven is dynamic when we recognize the Holy Spirit is living in us. Thank you for your part in the life of Heritage. For it is when we do our part, the fellowship becomes ours.

I want to remind you of a few things that are going on…

First, the intercessory noon prayer (Prayer Force) has been believing God to strategically guide our prayer with specifics. We are at WAR. Here are some specific Prayer Points for 2023:

  1. Pray for our Nation, The United States of America. Jeremiah 14:20-21 NLT

  2. Pray for election integrity. Prov. 10:9 NLT

  3. LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL! Pray that American’s eyes would be opened, and we would learn the importance of getting involved and voting in local government. (For example; less than 20% of registered voters voted in our last Kentucky primary election). Dan. 6:4, Titus 3:1

  4. Pray for continued exposure of evil (drain the swamp). Most recently with the US border situation; drug and sex trafficking. Isaiah 28:14-19 NIV

  5. Justice for #4 Deut. 16:20

  6. Pray protection for whistle-blowers and courageous men and women who are rising to confront and fight this evil. Deut. 31:6

  7. Pray over alphabet agencies that have infiltrated the US and are trying to destroy freedom and sovereignty around the world. (FED, CIA, FBI, CFR, WEF, WHO, NIH, EPA, FCC, FDA, FHA, IRS, SEC, SSA, etc., just to name a few) 1John 2:18

  8. Pray the Church would storm the gates of Hell on each of the seven mountains and occupy them. Matt 16:17, Luke 19:11-13 KJV

  9. Pray for the “Great Unravelling” of evil systems. Based on Rick Riding’s vision about the Queen (Babylon) Spider on a flying carpet spider web of evil systems. Job 8:13-14

  10. Pray into the vision Rick Ridings had about a great spiritual tsunami that will cover Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, toppling ancient thrones and idols and bringing awakening and reformation. Exodus 23:24

  11. Pray for the 110 strategic cities that contain the majority of the remaining unreached people groups. Matt. 24:14

  12. Pray for more sheep nations. We decree that the United States will remain a sheep nation. Matt. 25:31-33


Keep Your Armor On! Romans 6:10-18

Second, do you know any youth who are unhappy, depressed, abused, dislike school, feel lqeft out, bullied, shut down, seem disinterested in everything, are gravitating to dark music/ games/ literature, are showing signs of withdrawal, plummeting grades, anger issues, etc.? Consider the “Get High on Life” course with Bill McGrane and Maddie McDaniel.

June 17, ages 8-13 Registration is 8:30. Program is 9 to 5 pm with parents from 4 to 5 pm. Grandparents or guardians are welcome to attend graduation ceremony and learn how to re-enforce and support the youth. Location: Heritage Fellowship - 7216 US 42 Florence KY 41042

Finally, Remember Branden Duke and the “Fire in My City” Encounter Nights. These meetings are every other Saturday. The next meeting is June 24th, then July 8th and 22nd, leading up to a full week of meetings August 7-11th. For more information and a list of speakers visit https://fireinmycity.com

I believe in you,

Cleddie Keith