Seasoned With Humor

Today my letter is sent to you with a prayer a blessing and a boost of faith,

We are on vacation and GayNell is doing well as I send this your way. In the last few days, I have had on my mind the need for a sense of humor. I remember the laughter of my father-in-law and his friends as they told stories about their past ministry experiences. I am not talking about just abbreviated smiles or laughs out of the sides of their mouths. I am talking about belly laughs and tears of emotion. It was as though it was an induced medication, which leveled the playing ground of life. “A happy heart doeth good like a medicine” and they took this literally. It was like the swing of a pendulum; the seriousness of their mission and joy unspeakable were not opposites but perfect compliments of a well-rounded life.

I remember setting around with some of the most wonderful men of God and listening to them as they wound down after a service or a conference. They talked scripture and blended in life stories. Often, they even told embarrassing experiences about themselves. I know that some may not understand what I am saying but, in these times, it is a positive discipline in my life.

These were men of prayer, and their lives reflected the Lord in such a way that you knew they knew who they lived for and represented. They could turn on a dime, moving from the levity of a moment to the gravity of a situation that called for the deep sense of who they were. I have been there and seen it firsthand. I knew the value of the call of God who set them apart.

A couple of stories come to mind; one was with Holy Hubert Lindsey. Late one night after a meeting, we were eating at a Denny’s in Texas. When the waitress came to the table Hubert spoke up, he asked her, “Young lady, have you heard that crime does not pay?” She nodded her head yes. Then Hubert continued, “This man’s name is Crime (referring to me) and he does not pay.” We all laughed and once again, I was able to see a man who was naturally supernatural, naturally. I have countless stories of being with my father-in-law who was an example of devotion, study, and preparation. Of all the men I have ever walked with, my father-in-law was a wonderful example of Godliness and Purity. I heard his stories and jokes more than once and still smile at the fact that he laughed at all his own jokes.

Solomon wrote:

There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven—

A time to be born and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal; a time to tear down and a time to build up. ...

The times I spent with seasoned men of God was an invaluable lesson to me as an example of what life in Christ embraced. As a student in college, I worked for the Shakarian family. Demos Shakarian was the founder of The Full Gospel Businessmen International. There was an autobiography of his life, The Happiest People on Earth. I have learned that some have heaven on the way to heaven and I choose to be that kind of believer.

As our friend the apostle Peter has said, “It is joy unspeakable and full of glory.” The servant King named David, through prayer, asked God to restore unto him the joy of his salvation. Sometime our joy level may need to be refilled and, in His presence, there is fullness of joy. 

I must share with you what is fresh on my heart weekly, and I appreciate the privilege. I have said recently there are a lot of moving parts to Heritage; from the Academy to those who are engaged in ministries at home and abroad. Our summer is full of moving parts and ministries you can be involved with and in. This week they are out there in revivals and in preparation for their next assignment. It is through your support we can all rejoice in the victories that are taking place. Thank you for your investment in the lives of others. As the song says, “Thank you for giving to the Lord, I was a life that was changed.” Someone will one day be able to say this regarding our giving. We would give heaven a reason to rejoice because there is joy in heaven when one person is born again. This past week I mentioned we are putting an emphasis on equipping the next generation to evangelize and the next generation is not able to finance their preparation, but we are. I ask you to join me in sowing into the outreach and the meetings on Saturday Night’s leading up to the week of intense training. Our gifts will make a difference.

In His Grip

Cleddie Keith