Prayer Mountain

Choice greetings to all my friends; of faith, hope and love,

I want to express my appreciation for the faithful family of God, who by faith have walked it out and in life and sometimes like a bruised athlete had to walk it off, as they followed the Lord in their callings.

After ministering for Robert and Jo Ann Summers on Prayer Mountain this past week, the home of Mountain Creek Community Church in Dallas, I wanted to spotlight their faithfulness to God. I think you will appreciate their journey for these last 40 years. As I was shaking myself awake this morning the story of Caleb came to mind. I thought of our dear friends Robert and Jo Ann. Let me take you back to his story in the book of Joshua chapter 14. I call it the Summer’s chapter of the Bible:

The people of Judah came to Joshua at Gilgal. Caleb, son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite spoke: “You’ll remember what God said to Moses, the man of God concerning you and me back at Kadesh Barnea. I was forty years old when Moses the servant of God sent me from Kadesh Barnea to spy out the land. And I brought back an honest and accurate report. My companions who went with me discouraged the people, but I stuck to my guns, totally with God, my God. That was the day that Moses solemnly promised, ‘The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance, you and your children’s, forever. Yes, you have lived totally for God.’ Now look at me: God has kept me alive, as he promised. It is now forty-five years since God spoke this word to Moses, years in which Israel wandered in the wilderness. And here I am today, eighty-five years old, strong as ever in battle, whether coming or going. So, give me this hill country that God promised me. You yourself heard the report, that the Anakim were there with their great fortress cities. If God goes with me, I will drive them out, just as God said.” - Joshua 14:6-12 The Message Translation

Yes, this text reminds me of Robert and Jo Ann, and I am quite sure the Lord feels the same way. When they took the Mountain, it was an old Mule Farm. To describe the property, it would be easier just to say it was Texas Tough; infested by snakes and every kind of unkind spider you might not want to find. It was just -- let me say to spare words -- a BIG THICKET.

The following is a current description of the property:

Mountain Creek Community Church was founded in 1985 by Robert and JoAnn Summers. It is close to international missions training schools and Bible colleges. It is known as a strong mission and compassion-oriented congregation. The church campus is a favorite meeting place for Christians of all denominations. Its gates and Prayer Center are open from 8 am to 10 pm daily. Church staff members are always present, along with security on the premises. Thousands of Believers from nations around the world have prayed here. Many well-known, respected Christian leaders have ministered here.

The church facilities sit atop Prayer Mountain. The high hill is a forested nature preserve. The Big Cedar Wilderness Trails are North Texas’ premier mountain biking destination. The 17 miles of trails are developed and expertly maintained by DORBA (Dallas Off Road Bicycle Association.) You are always welcome to come visit our services, relax on the scenic grounds, picnic, or pray. Our proximity to Dallas Baptist University and Christ for the Nations Institute also makes us a favorite gathering place for college students who come to study or to pray. Anyone who hungers for God will find this a place of His presence. We have a special burden and esteem for the entire Body of Christ. So please do come by for a time of fellowship. You will find a friendly welcome.

If you are ever in Dallas, check out Prayer Mountain and visit with my praying friends, you will be glad you did. People may say, “Look what a wonderful thing God has done on this mountain. There are Chapels, the Summit Meeting Center, the Pavilion and other locations for prayer and vista views on the campus.” My answer would be, “You should have seen this Mountain (the highest piece of land in Dallas) before Robert and Jo Ann had it.” They remind me of all my faithful friends. Thank you for serving God and living and walking it out by faith, even when you may have had a few bruises to walk off.

I believe in you,

Cleddie Keith