A Missionary Heartbeat

Missionary Greetings to You With a Missionary Heartbeat,

How often I have wished you could have been with me as we have traveled in ministry and mission over the years. One of my favorite memories is the Serengeti, in Kenya.

We spent the night with the Masai Mara, in a beautiful compound, deep in the African plains. It is where the epic migrations take place each year. When we were there the wildebeests were still migrating across the sprawling savannas. We were blessed to see what is called “one of the 7 wonders of the world” as Africa came alive for us during the day. Seeing the King of the Jungle curled up like a house cat in tall grass, with its dew-covered mane sparkling in the sun. Seeing the lion pride laying out on the rocks and laughing at Scott Willis taking pictures, as young lion raced toward the combi (modified van) thinking Scott was a lion, with his long flowing blond hair he had at that time.

We traveled by combi through the Great Rift on a road that demanded repair, but no one seem to care how rough it was to travel on. We would have made our journey in half the time if we had not had to circumvent the potholes that were big enough to bury the vehicle in. This by itself was an experience of a lifetime. These memories however pale in comparison to the crusade in Kombewa, Kenya where torrential rains poured down upon the tent one evening and when the staff took long pole and pushed the water off the tent, soaking the people who were sitting around the sides of the covering. No one moved. The presence of God and the rain of the Holy Spirit was spell binding. Mosquitos circled my bald head like it was a landing strip. It was almost comedic, with Randy Lee as our resident commentator.

Men and women had walked for over a hundred miles to be in the conference. The Late James Ocholla had invited me for over 24 years to come and we finally had our release to go. Brother Ocholla announced to the crowds that this was the greatest crusade they had ever experienced and within the year he passed away to the reward that God had stored up for him. People were saved, healed, and delivered. This was raw evangelism in the bush and on the road to Uganda.

Many have traveled with us to other nations. The memories of Mexico, England, Sweden, Canada, Germany, Hawaii, Belize, and Australia are still fresh. So are the many others teams we have sent into the hi-ways and hedges around the world. I appreciate your love for missions and the way you give faithfully to global outreach.

In His Grip,
Pastor Cleddie Keith