Summer Has Come

Hello Neighbor, 

Summer has come to an end and autumn is knocking at the door. I cannot remember a summer that has been any more memorable than the summer of 2023. It is as though the tide of awakening is rising and the days of anticipation have stirred something deep within our hearts.

All the moving parts are working together, bringing Glory to God, have especially blessed me as your pastor. This past weekend was beautiful as 150 of our fellowship worked under the tent passing our food and clothing to over 700 of the needy in our community. We are thankful to David Mudd and God’s Outreach of Owensboro, Kentucky for making this possible for us to serve those of the Northern Kentucky area. People from Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Hawaii, Cuba, and several other nations benefited from the servant-hearted ministry of our people. Thank you for the hours of packing, separating, praying, and loving people who needed a touch from heaven. You were that extended hand of love which made a difference in their lives. I observed our people from the Hispanic Congregation. Under the guidance of Pastor Renee and Barbara Rocha, who led by example as they manned the tables. They gave direction to individuals, who at times looked like deer in the headlights. They made our guest feel comfortable and saw to it they were well served and taken care of.

I watched random acts of kindness from the food tent, where families sat in circled groups and ate hot dogs and Cheeseburgers along with cold water and chips. They laughed as though they did not have a care in the world. Children played and gleefully carried sacks for of candy provided by our friends Ken and Cara Hall from Bismarck, North Dakota. It was, as I say a demonstration of all the parts moving and working together. Rachel snapped pictures catching people in happy moments. Many men and women did their part to break down and put things back in their places in preparation for the beginning of school, as our staff and families of the students gear up for our 2023/24 school year.

I ask you to join me in prayer for Mr. Davis, our teachers, and students to be led by the spirit of God as we as a church family are privileged to prepare the next generation to face the future.

Many wonderful things are coming our way in the Fall months. We encourage you to invite your friends and family to join us, as we live to embrace His providential purpose being fulfilled through every one of us corporately and collectively. In the words of an old familiar hymn:

Signs of the times are everywhere
There’s a brand-new feeling in the air
Keep your eyes upon the Eastern sky
Lift up your heads, redemption draweth nigh!

Years of time have come and gone
since I first heard it told,
How Jesus would come again someday;
If back then it seemed so real,
Then I just can't help but feel,
How much closer, His coming is today.

Wars and strife on every hand
and violence fills our land,
Still some people doubt He'll come again;
But the Word of God is true,
He'll redeem His chosen few,
Don't lose hope, for soon Christ Jesus will descend.

Thank you for helping us reach out to the world around us.

In His Grip
Pastor Cleddie Keith