World Separation

"The world, or the World System, is an anti-Christ way of thinking and living.  It is the very opposite of what Christ called us to do and be.  The Bible says some things about the World that may help us understand this contrast even better."

F. E. Marsh presents the Bible’s teachings on the World this way:
1. Worldliness is evil in its nature.  Galatians 1:4
2. Worldliness is downward in its tendency. Ephesians 2
3. Worldliness is contaminating in its influence.  James 1:27
4. Worldliness is antagonistic to God.  James 4:4
5. Worldliness is corrupting in its association.  II Peter 4:1; II Peter 2:20
6. Worldliness is unsatisfying in its pleasures.  I Corinthians 7:31; I John 2:17
7. Worldliness is hateful in its opposition. I John 3:1,13

Separation from the World is the Lord’s direction, clear and definite; and as we come out from it in obedience to Him we find ourselves not only in the place of safety, BUT IN A POSITION OF POWER. To be specific in our desires and efforts to be separate from the world the following seven rules should be followed:
1. Avoid any place where the Lord would not take you.
2. Be found in no company that is not helpful to your Christian life.
3. Have no pleasure except in the company of those who are the Lord’s.
4. Be no party to any transaction upon which you cannot seek your Lord’s approval.
5. Listen to no voice, which would lead you away from the truth of God’s Word.
6. Allow no pleasure to interfere with your attendance at the means of Grace.
7. Whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Evan Roberts was the elementary school teacher God use to bring revival to the nation of Wales. One day someone asked him this question, and may his answer be as much a blessing to you as it was to me over 40 years ago.

“Tell me, what is the secret of your success?” was the question put to Evan Roberts, when referring to the Welsh Revival. “There is no secret,” was the reply. “All that is needed is reliance on the great promise, ‘Ask and ye shall receive.’ Prayer is the secret of the deeper life. Prayer is a sin-killer. No one can sin and pray, for prayer will make us cease from sin, or sin will make us cease from prayer. Prayer is a power-bringer. It is the hand that touches the hem of the garment of Divine grace and causes the life, which is in the Divine One, to flow into us. Prayer is a victory-giver. Bunyan’s Christian found that the weapon of all-prayer was sufficient to wound and defeat the adversary, who would stop him in his progress as a pilgrim. Prayer is a holiness-promoter. It is like the gentle dew, which falls upon the thirsty plants, and causes them to be refreshed and to fructify. Prayer is a dispute-adjuster. Let any two brethren who are at loggerheads get on their knees and ask the Lord about any disputed matter. They will find the Lord saying to their troubled spirits, ‘Peace, be still.’ Prayer is an obstacle-remover, as Peter found when the angel came in answer to the prayers of the saints and delivered him from the prison of Herod’s hate; and prayer is a Christ-revealer, for it clarifies our vision and enables us to see the unseen.” -F.E. Marsh

It was in this manner as I read his books repeatedly, that they became a part of who I am. F.E. Marsh burned the mid-night oil writing his books and I burned the midnight oil studying them alongside my Bibles.

I Believe in You,
Your Pastors, Cleddie and Gay Nell