Biblical Glasses

From a hospital room at St Elizabeth sitting with my bride,

Have you ever stopped to thank God who "always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus." Just think about the advantage, the possibilities are, immeasurable and unlimited. Let me slip on a pair of (BIBLICAL GLASSES) for you. It will be easier to see things as God sees them. He is "ALL KNOWING".

1 Corinthians 1:30 is at our disposal.

The quiet calm of eternal assurance's is with those who cast all their care on him.

Colossians 1:20. Have you ever stopped to think how the battles we fight have already been won by Christ. Have already been won?

Colossians 2:15 I think about these as assets of a philanthropist who distributes and Meets Our Needs According to His Riches.

You may be in the struggle of your life, but with God and your lenses on, your glasses may need to be adjusted. This may help:

I hear the accuser roar

Of Sins THAT I have DONE.

I know them all and thousands more,

Jehovah finds not one,

For Though the angry foe accuses

Sins recounting like a Flood.

Every charge my God refuses,


Every so often, it is good to remind ourselves the basis of our BLESSED ASSURANCE is Christ Alone. He is the foundation of our trust and all our hope.

I have a promise for you today:

"GOD, who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? "

Love and blessing,