Faith is Not a Feeling

It is days like this I find myself singing, “YOU GOTTA HAVE FAITH.” JOIN ME IN THE CHOIR.

GayNell has been in the hospital for over a week now. She told me the other day, while lying flat on her back, “I am a woman of prayer” and then only the next day she told me, “I am a Holy Ghost woman.” What I thought when she said this out of the clear blue was, “Well, you would have to be, in that you are married to the likes of me.”

I have learned to hang my hat on this definition of faith, and it can be a blessing to you as much as it has been to me. We can all agree with the Word of God. When the Hebrew writer, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, penned these words: “FAITH COMES BY HEARING AND HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD.”

(GOD HAS NO TIME FOR IGNORANCE) Faith is not a feeling; it is a response to what you have learned. In my mind, it is not smart to fail to take the Lord seriously.

In the Book of Hosea it says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” What would that imply to you?” It may suggest that some would think a 10, 20, 30 minute sermonette on a Sunday morning would be sufficient instruction to prepare them for life ahead of them. I think it would awaken you to the necessity of searching the scripture, “for in them you think you have eternal life.” Our mission is to know God and to make Him known. If the woman with the issue of blood only knew about Him that which she had heard, then it was only the touch of the hem of His garment by which she became an effective tool in God’s hand. What she heard was all it took to respond to what she heard. Isn’t it strange that what she learned by applying what she had just heard about Jesus was all it took to lead an entire town to Christ?

When I first came to Kentucky, I was speaking at a meeting in Glasgow. After the service a man came up to me and said, “Isn’t it sad that Christians seem to know so much and do so little?” You have heard me say, “What we know never ends with what we know.” But what we know can grow, like a mustard seed that is so small, but it has a unique nature to grow into something beautiful and productive.

Just want to tell all of you how much we appreciate your gifts for Pastors Appreciation Month and thank you for praying for GayNell. She is doing better every day, and we thank you for your love and calls. She is overwhelmed by your concern for her.

Wow what a week! We are appreciative of Rick Curry, Hong Too Loew and his wife Zona, Solomon Ikhuiwu, and our new friend from Mongolia; Shaike. This was a providential assembly; a gathering for World Class anointing.


Pastor Cleddie Keith