21st Century Woman


I found this while studying. I thought it would light your fire today:

What does it mean to be a 21st century woman?

When I say a "21st century woman" I don't mean an independent or a career-focused woman. It's important that we don't stereotype what a "21st-century woman" is, based on some cultural values.

Rather, we should note that we are 21st century women simply because this is the 21st century. That does not mean that we must behave in any way contrary to God's word or biblical expectations of what being a woman is and is not.

Being strong, full of vision, passion, purpose, and having your identity formed in Christ is not a negative thing. In fact, on the contrary, we are better positioned to serve humanity if our inner core is not one of weakness and unhealthy co-dependence.

A 21st century woman knows who she is in Christ. Her identity is not derived from her past mistakes, cultural or traditional expectations, or limitations imposed by others, but rather from the Word of God and who Christ says that she is.

She is beautiful, she is strong, she is steadfast, she is tenacious, she is feminine, she is a warrior, she is a help mate, she is industrious, she is submissive, she is the Proverbs 31 woman. This is an exciting time to be a woman and serving God in ministry. I believe ministry is finding a need and meeting it. Every one of us has a responsibility to see all that we are, and do, as ministry; an opportunity to serve humanity.

A 21st century woman knows who she is in Christ. Her identity is not derived from her past.

God is truly raising up a generation of women who are being empowered to make a difference. I am so excited about the future and all the possibilities in God. My prayer is that every person rises up to do everything that God has called them to do and be all that God has called them to be.

There has been a definite changing of the guard when it comes to women in ministry and Women's Ministry as a whole. We need always to be grateful to those who paved the way for us. Forty years ago, there weren't many women who were allowed to flourish in ministry or given the opportunity to do so. Some really had to fight and pay a price to pave the way.

Today, overall, there is less resistance to women in ministry and a greater understanding of the value of women coming alongside men. Together we are representing the full image of Christ. Women are a great strength and dignity to ministry and help to complete the picture.
Copied from Peter Wreford's Joy Magazine
We still have a way to go, but overall, there are more women functioning at every level of ministry than there were 40 years ago. That is why it is important to join the moment and be part of the global sisterhood. It is such ministries that God is raising up which help to place value on womanhood. Mary the mother of Jesus was used because she said, "yes" to the voice of God.

I believe in you,
Pastor Cleddie Keith