Paul and Lauren Cooper

Worship Pastors
Sr. High Youth Pastors

Paul and  Lauren Cooper have been apart of the Heritage family since 2006.  They love fresh worship and seeing lives changed through passionate encounters with Jesus!  They both enjoy songwriting, UK basketball, and pouring into the next generation.  In January of 2018 the Coopers became a party of 3 with the addition of their sweet baby girl, Cotton Leigh.

At Passion Youth, we believe that all are called to live a lifestyle worthy of Christ’s sacrifice. By living a Christ-centered lifestyle, we know that His love will win many to Christ. This is the Kingdom life, a life that is not always easy but is always full of destiny." If you like to passionately pursue God, laugh, go on trips, hang out, and play games, we want to invite you to come join us at Rise!

And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.

Jeremiah 3:15